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FTV Girls Kylie
I hate talking about myself, but Rob is making me so here goes.
I grew up in Canada, where it was peaceful, polite and boring. My life didn’t begin until I got out of there. Yes, I loved the calm atmosphere, but at the same time I preferred something a bit more thrilling. I am the type of person who will say yes to almost every new opportunity as long as I can have fun doing it. Life is all about experiences.
I have two wonderful parents who are always supportive, a sister who I love to death but can’t be in the same room with for long, and a beautiful niece who reminds me how to have fun.
My two dogs are polar opposites… one is old, deaf, and blind and only moves long enough to shit on the floor. My other dog is a yippee, bitchy chihuahua who will startle any child, mailman or asian. So if you fall into one of those three categories, watch out for that little fucker.
I wasn’t a big fan of high school. I had my friends of course but actually going to school was not fun. Mornings? L o l. I don’t think so. I will only get up in the morning if it’s for something I want to do, or for that money. Lately it’s been both, which I am so grateful for. My life has been pretty A1 lately, and it’s because I stopped caring about the opinions of others and did what felt right. I’ve been taking the road less travelled and I intend on keeping it that way. Life’s so much more fun when you make your own path along the way, which is what led me to Florida. Having lived in Canada so long, I’m having a bit of a weather shock, but it’s December and I’m tan so I have nothing to complain about.
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