FTV Girls Alana Playing with her Pussy on Public
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There are a number of things that make someone who they are, like their skills, temperment, how they treat others, and their interests. I feel like most of these are better observed than told. Interests, however, are things to be told, things to talk about. It’s hard to convey exactly who I am through writing, but maybe I can tell you a little about the things that bring me life. Things like cute women, curling up with a fantasy novel, playing with dogs, or perhaps my favorite subject…
My favorite interest and hobby is gaming. That doesn’t mean I’m “hardcore” about it, or that I love every and all type of game, but it means that when I want to spend a little “me” time, I turn on my console (sorry PC lovers). Really, though, there’s nothing wrong with PC gaming, I just don’t have the computer for it and I prefer controllers. I remember when got my xbox and a copy of Halo 2 (I did go back and play the first later). I had played some games before on the computer, or on my friends’ nintendos (like Super Smash), and while I enjoyed those, it was not like this. I was hooked. I would spend every weekend staying up with my best friend until daybreak playing the game. I remember getting the special Spartan edition 360 when it came out. My game interests have changed now. I’m not sure what it was about Halo that really gripped me. It might have been the first person perspective that made it really feel like it was me.
I no longer need the first person perspective to feel like a character is me or at least feel like the character is a PART of me. Some games feel that way without it, and some don’t feel that way with it. Despite the feeling first coming from a first person shooter, I rarely go for those anymore. I’ve become obsessed with open-world exploration, or at least games with decision making. Non-linear, if you will. That love was kindled when I played Fable, and grew into a roaring fire when I discovered Morrowind (total customization–and if you’ve played Skyrim you should really play–it’s a little outdated now but even better). I even left the sci-fi and fantasy realms and enjoyed myself in the present era, playing games like Grand Theft Auto, or went a little back in the past for Red Dead Redemption.
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