Young Girl Masturbating with Vibrator
FTV Girls Blaire
Then in April, my best friend moved to Dallas. Life became pretty lackluster for a while. I had no one to talk to, pig out on Pizza Hut with, or sneak out to Walmart at 3 AM with. Everything was lonely without them, and I was pretty pessimistic about it all. So eventually I decided to follow them out to Texas. But I knew it would be difficult to get out there with no money, nothing set up, and a 1996 Buick Century that had constant issues. So I looked online for caretaking jobs and found a job as a live-in nanny with a seemingly nice family. So they flew me out, and I moved in with them, and everything was good for a while. I genuinely liked the kids (particularly their dog), and I could put up with their father (if barely). Then one night, I had an argument with the father in which he told me that we are not equals, and that I can not just do whatever I please (the argument was over my not texting him back on my ONE day off out of my 80-hour work week. Which BY THE WAY, I wasn’t being paid overtime for). So yeah, I might’ve gotten a tad bit sassy after that. P.S., never tell me that we aren’t equal human beings. I will see red.
After that, I went to stay with my best friend’s family for about a week before his (EVIL) mother kicked me out on the street because she basically saw me as a slight inconvenience and wanted to be rid of me as soon as possible. She dropped me off at a bus station, saying that if I have enough money I can get a bus back to Virginia. Didn’t offer me money or food or anything.. not that I would have taken it anyways, but still. It’s the principle. So then I stayed at the bus station for a few days, dodging perverts and avoiding security gaurds. The gaurds usually tried to kick me out once they found out that I didn’t have a bus ticket, so I bought all the food I could and hid behind an arcade game for as long as I could. After a few days, one of my few truly amazing friends got me a flight back to Virginia. I stayed with my parents for about a week, submitting pictures to modeling agencies left and right. But they all told me I was too tall, that nobody wanted to book a 6’0-6’1 girl. Which struck me as kind of strange, condsidering that have the same measurments as a lot of supermodels… but whatever. Then I came across my ftvgirls. I decided to submit some pictures and they actually loved me. Kind of a nice feeling for once.
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