FTV Melony Masturbating & Squirting
FTV Girls Melody
I’m a fresh young spirit from Tokyo, Japan. I am a Navy BRAT with a Dominican and Japanese background. I love Japanese food the most and didn’t come to the U.S. until I turned 16. In High School I participated in soccer, swimming, and Speech and Debate. I graduated with National Honors finishing off with a GPA of 3.5. Outside of school I played a lot of video games. My first console was the Gamecube. On the Gamecube I played Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi’s Mansion, a variety of X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Star Fox Adventures, Super Smash Bro. Melee, and Mario Kart. There were definetely more, but those are what I can recall at the moment. After the Gamecube I played a bit of Gameboy and Nintendo DS and then finally into the XBOX 360. The 360 was definetely the highlight of my gaming days, I am actually very disappointed in the XBOX ONE. On the 360 my gamertag was SeaPrincess16 and I would play LIVE for hours, even pull all-nighters despite having a test the next day at school. Some of my most favorite from 360 are Gears of War 1-3, Left 4 Dead 1-2, Ultimate Alliance, Fable 1-3, Saints Row 2, Skyrim, all of COD, Dead Island, Kameo, and there too many to list haha. After High School I haven’t devoted as much time into gaming as I used to. I’ve been too busy with work and trying to figure out where to take my life from here. I would really love to travel. Although I lived in Japan, I have never ventured to Europe or Australia which would be the next two places I would like to experience. Despite being behind on video games I try to stay up-to-date with Star Wars, all the Marvel movies-though they disappoint me from time to time, Harry Potter, and of course Game of Thrones. I would have mentioned Lord of the Rings, but I think they are pretty much done with their story. I’ve read the first book of Lord of the Rings so perhaps I can try to finish reading the series even though I watched all the movies. Aside from being a regular Nerd I am a huge Anime freak! I love cosplay and letting myself be taken into an anime world. I do watch most of my Anime in Japanese so I apologize if some of the names I list are foreign to you. A few of my most favorite anime series are Nana, Shakugan no Shana, Utawareru Mono, Hell Girl, Cannon, Koichiwa Maid Sama, Inuyasha, Moribito, and Sailor Moon. I also grew up watching kids anime like Doraimon and An Pan Man.
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