FTV Girls Gwen Masturbating
Gwen is another one of those ‘too good to be true’ kind of girls, who after sending these photos #1 #2 #3 then these nudes #4 #5, we talked through online chat, and she turned out to be incredibly cute in person. And those amazing breasts! Not a single tattoo either, which is refreshing thing — I had to get her set up for a shoot right away! She lived several hours away, and so I personally had to go drive there and pick her up, as there was no other way (Uber cost too much, and unless you have a small private plane, you weren’t going to get to its super tiny airport). She was so incredibly excited about the shoot (and the house) once we arrived, that I turned on my small video camera and followed her around as she discovered the place (it became outtake clip 8). Notice that she does wear glasses, and is that total girl next door type of look… the best kind we like for FTV. The next morning, she was ready even before me (I told her to be ready at 830, she was ready at 745) and even dressed up to go out shooting. The weather was still a bit cold, so I went straight for the indoor shooting (and it became clip2) where spread and played with herself, then masturbated with vibrators.
FTV Girls Gwen
The Eroscillator was too weak for her taste (outtake clip10) so I brought out the Vibraking which brought her to her first orgasm around 4:30 and second one around 8:20 on clip 3. Nice vaginal contractions, and if I hadn’t held her back, she’d probably continue on. Outtake clip 9 has even more of that masturbation from a different angle. Then the day began with the introduction/shoot on location (clip1) and she was so spunky and fun after the orgasm (and the pictures turned out amazing) while men stared with lust, and women stared with envy (or disgust?). With that body/look of hers, what male wouldn’t want her? Those incredible breasts really stand out in the outfit, and the long legs made her even sexier. Also some cutsie extra outtake video on clip 7, where she films herself and her breasts, along with a lunch break. She also has long labia (which she said she didn’t like, but I boosted her confidence about them, and how many guys like them) along with long labia stretching video and extreme closeups. She was intimidated by the Big Ten, but as you can see, she did genuinely like it, and ended up fucking it in different positions. She pretty much implied that she likes being fucked hard, and fast. No slow sex. More to come in part 2…
Watch (download) all her videos in HD quality in the members area.
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