FTV Girls Videographer Fingering Pussy
FTV Girls Cara
Hey everyone it’s Cara! I recently just turned eighteen and still have a whole life ahead of me with goals i intend to pursue. To begin, there are some things you should know about me. I’m an avid guitar player who owns three guitars that are put into use almost everyday; there isn’t one day where i go usually without touching my guitars. Music tends to speak to me and it’s something that i’ve always been very passionate for. Music relaxes me which, aids me to be organized and consider all of my surroundings. I also live by “three guidelines” that display what kind of person i portray myself as; consideration of others, use of common sense, and truthfulness in all relations. Since i am very young, i still live with my parents at the moment. My parents don’t set rules at all so therefore i do. Keeping these guidelines in my head grants me to accomplish a vast majority of things. I will be attending USC in the fall because i pushed myself to the limit with goals i never thought i would complete. I intend to study psychology and spanish for my undergraduate degree and then further my education to law school. Furthermore, i’m from New Jersey and California will be a big change for me. Another thing you should know about me is that i basically live at the beach, or jersey shore in particular. I live in central jersey but i always travel south to the beach for my favorite foods and of course the salty ocean water. I’m currently learning how to surf and hopefully will be able to by the proceeding summer. I’m also very physically active and so is my family. My younger brother is an amateur body builder who pushes me to try my hardest. When i am home, i try to go to the gym everysingle day even if i’m short on time. Taking hot yoga classes or going on runs can fulfill my day. Speaking of running, my friends and i formed a tiny group that we go and run races. We run 5K’s and color runs, anything appealing to our eyes. There are days that i don’t go to the gym and i feel as if something is missing in my day. Speaking of doing regular things everyday i try to eat organic and healthy when i can but my one weakness is mocha lattes. Coffee and especially mocha is something that i need in my life as silly as it sounds. I’m not a girl who goes to starbucks everyday but i’m on the otherside of the tracks with Dunkin Donuts. Another thing i regulary do is light incense, sage, candles, and oils. I’m secertly obsessed with having my room smell good almost 24/7. Soothing smells and essential oils distress me and keep me on task, specifically with school. Even though there are some nights that i stay up until the crack of dawn studying, i try to get a good nights rest. In addition, i love to sleep, and i could sleep all day if i really wanted too. My body get extra tired very quickly so that’s why i try my best to take care of it well. I’m also obsessed with fruit and love smoothies which i drink about everyday. Fruit gives me energy and it’s also a good kind of sugar my body can intake. I also have my own car, whose name is Lucy and she’s granted me various favors of going places without trouble. Carl is also a huge part of my life, and he is my one-year old baby rottweiler. I got Carl last year in the summer of 2015 and he has grown vastly over the past year that i’ve had to buy him 4 new crate because he keeps growing. Carl is one big mush ball who loves everyone and thinks he is a newborn doing newborn things in a big dog body.
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