FTV Aubrey Spreading her Pussy
Model Comments: So anyway I’m a vegetarian by choice but the animal cruelty aspect is definitely something that keeps me committed to it. Because I’m only human and we all show signs of weakness at times so granted if filet mignon didn’t involve the inhumane slaughtering of a helpess cow then I’d be at Mastro’s every holiday/birthday/anniversary whatever. I live in L.A where being veggie is a growing ‘trend’, fucking hipsters in Los Feliz shopping at Trader Joe’s and buying organic yet they’re smoking a cigarette as they ride their bike through town. I hate living in L.A, I’d much rather live in San Diego or another state. There’s such a stigma that comes with living in L.A and I found myself becoming a product of that environment and it was disgusting. If and when I transfer I’d like to go to SDSU. But that’s another story. I have one sister and my parents are not togther. I also have 5 dogs. I’m a major animal lover, I have a huge soft spot for animals. I hate arachnoids and any kind of critter or creepy crawley. Large bugs give me panic attacks. I currently work in marketing and it kinda blows but it pays the bills for now. I have been at this job for 2 years and I can’t complain. My bosses are a gay couple. When I started working there I was indifferent to same sex marriage, didn’t really care about the topic. If two people want to be togther then let them fucking be together who gives a shit? They recently got married and when they announced it I was really happy for them and then I reflected on myself and the fact that I am single. I’m not ugly, I know that. I know ugly and I am not it. I may not be some people’s type but Dita von Tease said “you could be the sweetest peach on the tree and there’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like peaches” I love that quote. Oh but my point is I wondered if maybe I was supposed to be a lesbian or something. In high school I was ‘experimental’ and learned quickly I do not like vagina. So I know I’m not a lesbian. So I’m single. whatever. I have tattoos. I love tattoos. I love tattoos on men. Good tattoos though, not shitty prison style tattoos. You could be the ugliest mother fucker in the room and if you have tattoos, I’ll talk to you.
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